New Beginnings
Have you ever taken a leap of faith?
One you weren’t sure you were ready for?
It seems that we have all been doing exactly that over, and over, and over again, these last 13 months. Yet, now that things are opening up, and opportunities for togetherness are availing themselves to us all, it seems that many of us are finding the step to reconnect akin to a leap of faith that we aren’t exactly sure we are quite ready to take. This burgeoning apprehension - this reentry anxiety - is omnipresent, yet very few people are acknowledging it in their social circles. You may see silly memes, or hear jokes that sidle up next to the fear, and yet it doesn’t quite name it fully. There are things we know we can do though, to help ourselves navigate this new and somehow familiar turn in the ‘unchartered path’ we have been paving since last March.
First, we can remind ourselves that we have opened up in previous months and benefited from the reconnection with loved ones and cherished friends. Having close human connection gives our brains all the good stuff we have been craving and is such a solace to our aching souls. Next, we can stay true to the safety measures and protocols we have been abiding for over a year. Mask-wearing and handwashing has proven to be the most effective means to keeping yourself and your family safe - so let’s keep going strong on both fronts!
Then, we can proudly recall all of the other new and challenging things we have had to master in the span of a year! Virtual school, Zoom staff meetings, curbside delivery, birthday parades…so many changes to our regular routines that now feel like part of our normal lives. We made those changes and survived the transition to boot! Last, we can accept that this is a little (or a lot) nerve-wracking for a whole host of reasons that are unique to each of us. Some of us may be rusty at the socializing bit, while others may be working through real anxiety around close proximity to groups of people. Let’s also not forget the pent up grief and loss that still is to be processed and resolved…
We all have things that we find challenging, or scary, or just harder than expected. We also have a store of strength in ourselves that we can tap into and lean on to help guide us through these most difficult moments.
So, deep breaths everyone…it’s time for a new beginning.