The Best of Intentions

It’s something isn’t it?

To set an intention with the most hopeful outcome desired. To have goals for yourself or your life and strive for that ideal result. And yet, all too often we fall short, just missing that mark and then we are faced with a choice – do we celebrate the effort or chide the missed bar? It seems that so often, for so many, and at an increasing rate, the intentions we set, the goal markers we place, slide ever further from attainment, taunting us to doubt ourselves. To see ourselves as failures for not hitting the target.

Imagine what it would feel like to claim victory in these moments. To realize you weren’t going to reach your goal, and still ring the bell for how hard you worked to get as close as you did. To honor the courage and strength you mustered to move yourself a few paces along the path, even if the view didn’t change in as striking a way as you had initially hoped.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to be filled with the joyfulness and pride that could offer in such a vulnerable moment.

This is what belief in oneself feels like; what it means to have resilience and connection to inner strength. You can get there…you already have a secret cache of it hiding somewhere in your psyche. The challenge is excavating strategically enough to break through the vulnerable parts without breaking down.

When you set your intentions for this season, or consider your goals for this next chapter, be aspirational, be realistic, be courageous. Most of all though…know that you are victorious regardless of the outcome. All because you challenged yourself to grow, and took action to make that a reality, in whatever capacity you could.


Story Time


A Change Is Gonna Come